Our Maintenance Services
All about our maintenance service and packaging. At Secure Irrigation and Landscaping we understand what your landscaping appearance means to you as it reflects your home or business image. We have thought of giving you, through this blog, some landscaping maintenance tips that will enable you to have the best outlook of your yard consistently.
Cutting two strips around the edge of turf and then cutting in straight lines opposite to this, alternating the pattern very other mow if possible, is normally the best technique. Cut week by week amid the growing season to ensure you are not getting rid of more than 1/3 of the leaf cutting edge at a time.
Sharpen mower blades at least once per season. Checking oil after every cut and changing oil every season will add life to your mower. A good mower will cut wet turf and pick up clippings better. Consider a mulching mower, it permits much of the water and nutrients in the clippings to return to the soil, accordingly reducing the need for watering and fertilizing.
A good edge to the turf keeps the garden looking excellent and forms separation between bed areas and turf. A fuel powered edger functions well, however a weed-eater held vertically will likewise carry out the job. Edging every other mow shields grass from developing into the beds.
Moss Control in Turf
Moss tends to develop in shady places and in territories where the soil is not conducive for healthy lawn. Pruning can help incorporate more sunlight, and taking after the tips will make a healthier garden and reduce moss development. You might need to consider removing the lawn and replacing it with shade tolerant plants if the shade is severe to the point that the landscaping maintenance would require much extra exertion.
When you do get moss, apply fluid Iron per label directions. It will kill the moss quickly, at times just before your eyes. Be mindful so as not to get it on any hard surfaces – it stains. After the moss has died, rake it out physically, or with a power rake.
There are more tips that we can give regarding your landscape maintenance. We’ll look at more in our coming posts. For more information, kindly contact us and we will gladly assist you.